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Devil's Deliverance

Swordtember Day 27 - Redemption
Devil’s Deliverance
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

Forged in the fiery pits of the infernal realms, this blade once belonged to a nameless devil knight, a loyal servant of hell. However, during a cataclysmic infernal invasion upon the mortal realm, this knight, for reasons still shrouded in mystery, defected to stand alongside mortals. Recognizing the knight's unexpected turn, the Saint of The Dawn Lord entered a sacred pact with him. The devil's blade was sealed within a divine scabbard, ensuring it could only be drawn with the saint's blessing. Yet, this was not a mere act of restriction; the sword was imbued with the Dawn Lord's Flame of Origin, transforming it into a weapon of unparalleled might against fiends, the undead, and all creatures of malevolent intent. Though the reasons for the devil knight's defection remain unknown, he wielded his reformed blade with unyielding fervor, clashing against his former kin until his final breath.

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