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Reaper's Record

Swordtember Day 29 - Incognito
Reaper’s Record
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

The Reaper’s Record, often dubbed "The Red Book," is a discreet weapon favored by the Wallflowers, reserved for dire circumstances. Crafted for utmost concealment, it evades both magical and mundane detection. Its enchantments are ingeniously hidden beneath a thin layer of lead inlaid within the bottle and the journal's cover. Moreover, these enchantments are fragmented between the bookmark, the bottle's inner wall, and specific journal pages, further complicating their detection. The ink, derived from the refined remains of an ink imp, can transition from liquid to solid when charged with arcane energy. Variants of the Red Book exist, ranging from those primarily used as concealed emergency weapons, commonly carried by Wallflowers like The Dandelions, to the more lethal versions capable of executing swift, nearly invisible strikes. These potent editions are exclusive to specific Wallflowers such as the Belladonas, Wolfbanes, Oleanders, Magnolia, and Lilies, often employed in assassinations.

This set consists of a finely crafted bookmark and a leather-bound journal or an ornate bottle of ink, both of which are lined with a thin layer of lead. This layer shields the items from certain divination magics.

When you draw the bookmark from between the journal's specific pages or after dipping it into the ink bottle, the ink instantly move to forms a blade (dagger or shortsword) for 10 minutes. The blade is sharp and durable, and attacks made with it are considered magical. However, the journal, ink bottle, and bookmark can be destroyed as if they were mundane items. Drawing and stowing the blade functions as if you're handling a normal weapon.

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